Peter Thomas Senese’s Chasing The Cyclone is a critically praised novel and call-to-arms against international child abduction. The globally recognized I CARE Foundation is a result of the publication of Chasing The Cyclone. Since the foundation’s inception the U.S. outbound abduction rate has declined by 38%. An I CARE Foundation conference at the United Nations propelled Peter to write the landmark global abduction prevention tool, the Hague-oriented International Travel Child Consent Form.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Chasing Parents: Racing Into The Storms Of International Parental Child Abduction Provides Great Insight Into Worldwide Abuse Agains Children
For Peter Thomas Senese, the near four-year journey leading up to his upcoming international release of the documentary film titled 'CHASING PARENTS: Racing Into The Storms Of International Parental Child Abduction' has been one filled with a full array of great challenges and extraordinary accomplishments.
The film has two main goals. The first is to provide a blueprint for other Chasing Parents on what to do and how to act if their own child is internationally abducted. The second, and a more formidable goal,is to educate society on the grave issues surrounding international parental child abduction while providing insight on necessary legal reform that could help prevent the criminal international abduction of children.
The acclaimed author, who writes under the names Peter Senese or Peter Thomas, unexpectedly raced into the brutal and at times deadly storms, other Chasing Parents encounter in the wake of the international abduction of their defenseless child. For Peter Thomas Senese, the most difficult challenge he faced was coping with the concern over his child's safety while navigating the long and complex road he would have to endure in order to protect his young son. The triumphs, and there have been many, include first and foremost, what every Chasing Parent desires most: the safe recovery and return of their child.
'CHASING PARENTS: Racing Into The Storms Of International Parental Child Abduction' is one of the very first documentary films that extensively addresses the full scope of the massive, but seldom spoken crisis stolen children and their Chasing Parents left behind in the aftermath of the criminal abduction of their child must face. The film has two main goals. The first is to provide a blueprint for other Chasing Parents on what to do and how to act if their own child is internationally abducted. The second, and a more formidable goal,is to educate society on the grave issues surrounding international parental child abduction while providing insight on necessary legal reform that could help prevent the criminal international abduction of children.
Unfortunately, and tragically, there exists a growing worldwide epidemic that destroys the lives of most who cross its path, including innocent children, and its name is International Parental Child Abduction (IPCA). Each year, tens of thousands of children are abducted by one parent from another and taken across international borders without the knowledge and permission of the other parent. Many of these children never come home. Many disappear. Some are lost forever.
In the United States, it is believed that there are over 11,000 internationally criminally abducted children who have not been brought home. This number is believed to be significantly higher because it does not include a large number of cases not filed with the United States Central Authority due to either technicalities (previously including military personnel who were unable to file while living abroad, and presently including dual parent green-card holders, political asylum cases, etc.), or the prevalent feeling of hopelessness felt by many parents based upon the extremely high recovery cost, a complex legal maze, and belief that there exists nationalistic prejudices in foreign countries. This equates to the belief that it is nearly impossible to recover their abducted child.
The highly educational and eye-opening film consists of seven main segments: Part I - Introduction, Part II - Warning Signs, Part III - Abduction in Progress, Part IV - Parental Alienation and Child Abduction, Part V - Post Abduction Reunification, Part VI - Reform and Change, and Part VII - Laws and Credits.
The now completed production and upcoming release of this invaluable documentary is, for Peter Thomas Senese, the completion of a three-part educational project he promised to create once his journey of chasing the cyclones of international parental child abduction ended. They include the creation of a highly education website (, publication of a insightful book (titled 'Chasing The Cyclone'), and the now completed documentary. It is the Writer -Producer's hope and aspiration to increase local and global dialog concerning prevention, education, and accountability of all legal systems, institutions, and governments responsible to uphold laws pertaining to the welfare and safety of children.
The children's advocate, writing under his first and middle name, Peter Thomas, will release 'Chasing The Cyclone' in the late spring, 2010. Reviewers and critics are praising 'Chasing The Cyclone' as an extraordinary, masterfully written story of a father's love for his son, and heralding Peter Thomas Senese as a writer of great distinction. 'Chasing The Cyclone', written in the form of a novel, was inspired by the author's experiences as a Chasing Parent.
"Chasing The Cyclone will shake the audience, this exciting cautionary thriller grips readers from the onset ..." Amazon # 1 Reviewer, Harriet Klausner
"Peter Thomas now opens the windows on the magnitude of these tragedies in his excellent Chasing The Cyclone ... As if the fast paced energy of this story weren't enough to satisfy the reader, Peter Thomas demonstrates his quality as a writer of distinction on many levels ..." this impossible to put down book ... Amazon # 3 Reviewer, Dr. Grady Harp
"Chasing The Cyclone isn't just a powerful novel, it's a call to arms against a growing epidemic that is tearing lives apart ... a superb, can't put down novel, though; it is a book with a purpose ... Peter Thomas has become an outspoken advocate on this issue ... I would go so far as to encourage every loving parent to read this book, as the bond between this father and son is one to be emulated ..." Amazon # 14 Reviewer, Daniel Jolley
"Chasing The Cyclone is a must read. You will not be able to put it down. It may very well change the way you look at life, child custody ... I cannot endorse this book enough ..." The Examiner
"[In Chasing The Cyclone] Peter Thomas masterfully reveals the disturbing world of an abducted child ... Peter has taken the tragedy of his child's abduction and the remarkable efforts he implemented in order to reunite with his child, and worked not only to share it in a manner that seeks to educate the reader, but has embraced his experience to provide relief for other families caught in this global epidemic ..." Maureen Dabbagh: Parent International
Peter Thomas Senese fully supports The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Parental Child Abduction. However, as he points out in both Chasing The Cyclone and in CHASING PARENTS: Racing Into The Storms Of International Parental Child Abduction, the grave failures in the areas of research and education, combined with an inept global approach toward prevention, has taxed the international judicial system created via The Hague Convention. Extending the difficulties many Chasing Parents face is the fact that many nation-signatories of The Hague Convention fail to enforce the rules of the international treaty they signed. Additionally, many nations, including those in the Middle East and Asia have not signed the international treaty, which creates near-impossible hurdles for Chasing Parents seeking the lawful return of their abducted child from non-signatory nations. Accountability is critical, yet there appears to be limited accountability throughout the system. This is something Senese heavily weighs in on.
Segments of CHASING PARENTS: Racing Into The Storms Of International Parental Child Abduction are presently available for preview at Chasing The Cyclone's official website,
Peter Thomas Senese points out that CHASING PARENTS: Racing Into The Storms Of International Parental Child Abduction was made possible due to other Chasing Parents, children of abduction, and leading government and private sector experts working in the area of IPCA's eagerness to contribute to this desperately needed film. Peter Thomas Senese also would like to express a special thanks to Mr. Ken Connelly, children's advocate, speaker, and author of 'Throwing Stones' for the substantial contributions he made toward the production and information conveyed in this film.
The filmmaker strongly points out that making this film would have been impossible if not for the assistance he received from key individuals at the U.S. Department of State - Office Of Children's Issues, Canada's Ministry of Attorney General, and New Zealand's Ministry of Justice when he was Chasing The Cyclone.
Pacifica and Peter Thomas Senese intend to offer complimentary DVD's of this film to all requesting government agencies and institutions, courts, educators, and organizations that provide outreach to child-victims and their families upon its release later this Spring. It is Peter Thomas Senese's hope that the film will be used as a resource tool that will increase awareness and educate others in order to bring about reform and change in the name of the best interest of children everywhere.
To preview CHASING PARENTS: Racing Into The Storms Of International Parental Child Abduction please visit or
Monday, February 22, 2010
Slander and Defamation: The Tools Of A Parental Child Abductor by Peter Thomas, author of Chasing The Cyclone
Many Chasing Parents throughtout the world know all to well one of the difficult techniques used by an abductor and the abductor's lawyers in order to break the spirit, will, and financial resources of the parent left behind in the wake of the criminal act that is international parental child abduction is to slander that person's name and reputation while implementing as many legal stall tactics as possible before the courts.
I write from personal experience: I am a Chasing Father who successfully recovered my child when he was abducted and taken half-way across the world.
Strategically speaking, nearly every lawyer who has represented a Hague case on behalf of a Chasing Parent will agree that it is critical to keep a narrow focus on whether a parent's custody rights were denied by the other parent in international cases, and by doing so, wrongfully detained the child from their rights of a child/parent relationship and purposefully breached the custody order of a previous court.
The primary purpose of The Hague Court is to determine if a right of custody was denied from a previous court order, and if so, to return the child and their abducting parent (this is done usually on a voluntary basis) to the court of original jurisdiction so the court of original jurisdiction can determine what is in the child's best interest, including matters of custody and visitation.
The test from the start is to ask the question: Did the abducting parent violate the custody laws of another court by removing the child from the country of original jurisdiction illegally and, by doing so, was there a denial of the Chasing Parent's legal rights of custody to that child?
Under this premise, The Hague Convention's Central Authority's court located in the country that the abduction has taken place will typically pay attention to the narrow focus and intent of the Treaty: was a previous court order regarding custody breached? If so (and there are no dangerous consequences to the child [the best interest of the child]), then typically the Hague Court will order for the child to be returned to his or her original jurisdiction.
But this is not always the case.
Section 13 of The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction reads:
Article 13
Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Article, the judicial or administrative authority of the requested State is not bound to order the return of the child if the person, institution or other body which opposes its return establishes that –
a) the person, institution or other body having the care of the person of the child was not actually exercising the custody rights at the time of removal or retention, or had consented to or subsequently acquiesced in the removal or retention; or
b) there is a grave risk that his or her return would expose the child to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place the child in an intolerable situation.
The judicial or administrative authority may also refuse to order the return of the child if it finds that the child objects to being returned and has attained an age and degree of maturity at which it is appropriate to take account of its views.
In considering the circumstances referred to in this Article, the judicial and administrative authorities shall take into account the information relating to the social background of the child provided by the Central Authority or other competent authority of the child's habitual residence.
This is the 'defense' Article, the mantra if you will, used by every abducting parent and their lawyer in order to defend against the act of abduction. Article 13 is always used to defend the serious criminal action of abduction by doing two things:
A) By attempting to create a picture to the courts and the public that returning the child to their original jurisdiction is in fact an act that will cause dire and unnecessary hardship to the child, and that such hardship is cruel and will have both short and long-reaching consequences for the child.
B) The abducting parent and their lawyer will attempt to portray the left behind parent in as much as an unfavorable light as possible. This typically includes a great deal of mud-slinging in court, whereas the abducting parent will make false accusations against the other parent including drug use, violence, abuse, non-interest, non-support, criminal behavior, sexual abuse, pedophilia, death-threats, etc.
Typically, these false statements will also find their way on the Internet, where, under any blog forum, a person can log on and write a scandalous statement or story under an assortment of alias names. They then follow-up that scandalous story or post with another alias blog post and essentially attempt to support the lie already posted on line.
And herein rests one of the great problems for the Chasing Parent: the Internet holds very little accountable. It is extremely difficult to have removed slander and defamatory statements under many websites own operating policies. Add in the fact that many slanderous remarks will be made under alias or anoynomous names, and you must now consider that Chasing Parent do not even have a clue as to where to begin to serve legal documents in order to have the defamation removed. In the end, the Chasing Parent's name and reputation are damaged, regardless of the court's final ruling.
It is noteworthy to point out that nearly every international parental child abduction that occurs is well planned out. So, if the Internet is going to be used to support false allegations that a would-be abducting parent intends to use in court as a means to defend against their act of criminal abduction - make no mistake about it - slander and defamation very well could begin before the actual abduction takes place.
The slander scheme supports the defense of Article 13 Subsection B of the Convention because the abductor's defense will be able to find 'public' support that demonstrates the Chasing Parent is in fact detrimental to the child's safety. Of course, proving this scheme before a court may be a whole other issue. Nevertheless, nearly every Chasing Parent is not immune to slander and defamation. Needless to say, it is in the best interest of the abducting parent and that person's advisors to do everything possible - including attempting to portray the Chasing Parent as a bad person - in order to defend agains their own criminal act of child abduction.
This is an Article 13 subsection A defense.
The reality for most Chasing Parents and their children victimized by the multiple crimes that surround and include international child abduction is that they do not have the financial resources necessary to fight the fight. Combine this with the abducting parent's attempt to beat-down the spirit of the Chasing Parent by a campaign of slander, not to mention the difficulties in fighting an international legal case, and you the conclusion is easy to make: Abducting Parents (who typically abduct a child in order to cause pain and suffering to the other parent), are unstable and dangerous - to both the abducted child and the Chasing Parent.
Written by,
Peter Thomas Senese
Author - Chasing The Cyclone (by Peter Thomas)
Producer - Chasing Parents: Racing into the storms of international parental child abduction (by Peter Senese)
Friday, February 19, 2010
CHASING PARENTS: Racing Into The Storms Of International Parental Child Abduction. A film produced by Peter Senese
I am pleased to announce the release of:
'Chasing Parents: Racing Into the Storms of International Parental Child Abduction'
What The World Needs To Know About International Parental Child Abduction
Written, Narrated, & Produced
To View This Film, Please Click Below: